Simple Things To Do To Make Life Easy During Corona Virus (Covid-19) Lockdown

Currently, two words- social distancing & lockdown are being heard everywhere. The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted the government of more than 140 countries to impose a partial or complete lockdown. Moreover, many health experts believe that social distancing is one of the ways to avoid the situation turning into a full blown crisis. Almost all of us are experiencing the affect of corona virus (Covid-19) lockdown that has infiltrated our daily lives. We all are spending much more time home-bound than ever before. In simple terms, a lockdown prompts people to distance themselves from physically meeting other people unless absolutely necessary, avoiding public places, communing by public transport & more. Just like other things, we all value our freedom only when we lose it.  However, here are some simple things to do to make life easy during Covid-19 lockdown.

Stop Scrolling Covid-19 News on Social Media:

To begin with, stop reading & forwarding things you hear about Covid-19 on social media. In contrast, reach out to health experts/helpline numbers/loved ones if the situation demands. Spreading unverified news may worsen the situation & result in lower morale all around. Keep updated but with only authentic information.

Stay Positive:

Easier said than done? Yes, agreed. I spend the first few days of the Covid-19 lockdown being worried. What if groceries are no longer available? How if medicines go out of stock? Do I really have to wear a mask at all times? Should I allow my maid to come to work? How will I deal with the loss in my business?

I run multiple small scale businesses including being a social media influencer & a home decor company. However, I pushed myself to start looking at the positive side after 4-5 days of sulking. Besides, the only thing permanent in life is impermanence. Yes, things shall change going forward but they can definitely change for better. 

Set Small Goals For Yourself:

How many times we have wished we had more times on our hands? Moreover, many of us have craved to remove tiny amounts of time from our hectic schedules to a million things that we love. Everyday, as you wake up, think of the time you will save by not commuting in traffic. Set small goals for yourself & start achieving them bit by bit. Simple goals like- spending more time with kids, video calling loved ones/relatives to touch base, initiating contact with friends with whom you lost touch, making a kitchen garden & more can be a few items on your list.

Get Creative:

Tons of online video teach you to get creative with things easily lying around as junk in your home. Besides, you can also learn a art form from online videos. I learnt Lippan art, a traditional form of art from Kutch (Gujarat) & would love to teach! Do get in touch on if interested. Further, this may also be a good time to re-organize & arrange your kitchen or wardrobe. For a few ideas read our previous blog

Maintain Healthy Diet & Exercise Routine:

Similarly, remove time to exercise & maintain a healthy diet. Choose healthy home cooked meals over overtly spicy food/junk food. A fun thing to do would be to involve all family members in making meals & later sit down together & enjoy. Besides, how about having a small picnic with assorted sandwiches in your balcony?

Furthermore, do not stop exercising. Join an online fitness class & keep the calories at bay! Moreover, there are tons of tutorials available online, so practice yoga or meditation.   

Self Reflection:

The time provided by Covid-19 lockdown can be used to set bigger goals. Do you want to learn a new language? Would you like to study further? It's a good time to self reflect, list the more important things in your life and to ready yourself to action the items on your list after this phase passes.

Read Your Favorite Books:

Always wanted to read a book that you lovingly bought but now lies neglected? Remove it from the deep end of the wardrobe & read it. Start with 50 pages & aim to finish it. The phrase"There is no friend as loyal as a book" holds a lot more meaning in current times.

Take Care of Yourself & Others Around You

We have already covered the basic precautions you can take during this phase. Use the extra time in your schedule to practice meditation to lower stress. In addition, involve kids in board games, puzzles, music, DIY art & more. Explore a new hobby & keep it going even after your regular schedule returns. Moreover check on your elders health often & talk to them to offer an emotional connection. Remember, we all are connected in this world with one another so let's help each other by staying indoors.

Express Gratitude:

Last but not the least, every day express gratitude. Offer a small prayer to thank the almighty for your health- both emotional and physical. Get in touch via phone/email & express your gratitude to people who have always stood by you.

Slowing down is not always a bad thing. Moreover, these are only a few pointers to make life easy during the Covid-19 lockdown. Tell us in the comments section how are you all dealing with this phase?
