Naming Ceremony For Newborn Baby Ideas, Decorations & Tips To Organize a Perfect Event

There will be never a day, like the day your baby is born! How true. Of the many occasions you shall celebrate for your new born, naming ceremony or namkaran shall be an important event. Although, it may seem a difficult task for new parents due to recent lifestyle changes, it can be easily made into an event to remember. Let's look at some naming ceremony decorations & tips to keep in mind to organize an event that you shall cherish for years to come.

Traditionally, naming ceremony or namkaran is held at a temple or at home with rituals to seek divine blessings while formally selecting a baby name. The event may also be held in a manner depending on parents choice & rituals followed by the community. Moreover, close friends, relatives & loved ones come together & shower the newborn with gifts & blessings.

Here are a few naming ceremony ideas to make the occasion memorable:

Play a guessing game with guests- Involve your guests on this important day by asking them to guess the baby's name. Drop a few hints & encourage everyone to join in the game.

Hide it amongst decorations- Hide the spelled out name in decorations done with balloons, flowers or other elements. Reveal the name, synchronizing it with a special song to make the moment special.

Play a song with your baby's name in it- Try finding a song that has your baby's name & play it to garner everyone's attention. Additionally, one can also compose a special poem or song for the occasion. 

Use Alphabet Cookie Cutters: For another novel way, use alphabet cookie cutters on fruits like watermelon, sweet melons, sponge cake or cookies to spell the name. Place it on the centre table to wow guests.

Naming ceremony decoration ideas:

The naming ceremony decoration items can be selected based on a certain theme, gender of the baby & more. Let's look at a few options:

Flower Decor:
Choose fresh or artificial good quality flowers for the occasion. Choose pink flower decor with twinkling pink lights for a baby girl or blue flowers for a baby boy. In addition, highlight a beautiful cradle by placing matching flowers around it. Besides, one can carry the same theme to decorate the venue entrance too.

Nowadays tissue paper flowers are easily available in the market. Finally, another good idea would be to give flowers to guests as they arrive to make them feel special.

Traditional Decor:
Decorate your venue with traditional flowers like marigold, roses, mogra along with brass lamps. Place earthen diyas around potted plants at your entrance.

Besides, serving food in eco friendly containers and plates shall add an unique touch.

Balloon Decor :
Balloons come in a variety of shapes & colors & can make your venue look wonderful on a budget. Spell your baby's name with colorful balloons or make beautiful arches or columns with them.

Moreover, add a few adorable pictures of your baby to the balloon decorations to make it more unique.

Tips to organize a perfect naming ceremony event:

Choose Comfortable Clothing:
In our earlier article about taking kids to weddings, we mentioned about dressing up kids in comfortable clothes. Choose a stylish yet comfortable attire for your baby. Not too tight or hot for comfort so that the baby enjoys the event.

Prepare Invite List in Advance:
An idea about the number of invitees helps choose the venue, hire a caterer & also reach out to extended family to help. Moreover, it also helps to limit the event to close ones as your newborn may not be ready to mingle with a larger crowd during this stage. 

Hire an Event Organizer:
Hire experts if you want to plan a big event so that new parents do not add additional stress to their hectic lifestyle post a newborn's arrival. However, one can always fix on a budget in advance to keep event expenses in check

Keep Diaper Bag Ready:
Choose newborn baby essentials carefully & keep everything handy. Extra diapers, change of clothes, baby blanket & more should be packed in the diaper bag to prepare you for any situation. For an easy checklist, click here

Give Adequate Rest to the Baby:
A well rested baby is a happy baby. Ensure that your baby gets adequate rest in between the ceremony in a quiet & private area.

Soothe & Cuddle:
Meeting a large number of guests can be a overwhelming experience for a newborn. Hold & soothe your baby often as they identify with your touch the most.

Do tell us in the comments section about your special memories of such events.
