How To Choose Between a Baby Carrier or Stroller While Traveling With Your Baby

Kids will never remember their best day of television but they shall never forget their travel adventures. As they say, you need only your feet to travel, no matter how small. However, taking your baby along on your travels, even overnight, takes a lot of planning. Packing essentials, taking into account feed timings, sleep schedules, the list seems endless. In addition, choosing travel gear that helps you enjoy your holiday in a seamless manner is important too. Hence often, we struggle to choose between a baby carrier or a stroller. If you are in the same boat (or aircraft, car, train) as us, let's look at this article that shall help you choose between a baby carrier or a stroller while traveling with your baby.

First of all, the choice between a baby carrier or a stroller depends on many factors. Let's look at some basics that shall help you decide:

Comfort of the baby:

As a newborn, my daughter fussed a lot in a baby carrier. Somehow, she was quieter in a stroller & even slept peacefully. Though, her initial refusal discouraged me, after a couple of months, babywearing was a great way to bond. Moreover, it helped keep my hands free as I moved around. Many babies feel comfortable in a stroller as compared to a baby carrier & vice versa. Hence, the choice really depends on the comfort of your baby.

Personal Preference:

Many new moms suffer from back or shoulder problems post delivery. In such a scenario, baby carrier may not be an ideal choice. However, a few companies like Soul India make lumbar supports that can be worn along with the baby carrier. This a great buy, especially if you have a very big baby. Additionally, another consideration would be that in case of twins, a stroller will be a better choice.

Choice of Destination:

Next, your travel destination is an important consideration too. Crowded places with very high tourist density shall make moving around with a stroller very difficult. So will cobbled & uneven streets. Moreover, if your hotel or home stay is low on accessibility, climbing stairs with a stroller will be a difficult task. Although, pushing a heavy baby in a stroller is easier than carrying him/her around. Having said that, on my recent trip to Odisha, I chose a stroller as the high humidity may result in making my little one uncomfortable in a baby carrier. Hence, before making a choice between a bay carrier or stroller during travels, do check if the destination is baby-friendly.

Mode of Travel:

If your travel plan requires multiple flight changes or layovers, a baby carrier allows you to move easily between airport gates. Additionally, I always felt a baby carrier is easier while navigating through security checkpoints. Also, if you are keen on taking public transport, do check if it is stroller friendly. Choosing a light weight & compact stroller will be a smart move. Moreover, some strollers fold easily into a compact shape & can be carried along in buses & trains.

Luggage Restrictions:

Certain destinations & airlines have limitations in terms of weight & dimensions of luggage. In case, you are traveling with multiple bags, a stroller may not fit within your allowed weight limits. Additionally, this may result in extra payment to the airlines. Hence, do check with your airlines about luggage restrictions in advance before making a choice.

Ease of Feeding:

Many moms feel that a baby carrier allows you to breastfeed while you’re on the move without compromising on privacy. During travels, when your baby feels hungry in a crowded place, baby carriers offer privacy & comfort during feeding. In comparison, other moms feel that taking a break while breastfeeding is a better thing to do. As we said, earlier a lot depends on your personal preferences. 
Carrying Baby Essentials:

Carrying essentials like diapers, wet wipes, extra set of clothes, feeding bottles & more becomes a difficult task without a stroller. Almost all modern strollers come with pockets for storing your baby essentials.

So, these are a few basic factors to consider that shall help you decide between a baby carrier or a stroller while traveling with your baby. Although it's difficult to come up with a clear solution, as we always say- Go With Your Instincts. We all know- Mommy knows best!
