What Is Babywearing, Benefits & My Experience With Soul Baby Carriers

Even though parenting is challenging & tough, it teaches you a million things. One learns new things everyday. Besides, it also teaches you the meaning & power of unconditional love. As a parent you may take some tough decisions, most of them during the early years. Also, there will be advise pouring from everywhere that may add to confusion. A beautiful quote says "To be in your children's thoughts tomorrow, spend time with them today". How true. Moreover, any new parent would tell you about the hours spent carrying their babies for hours on end. Although, newborns love to be held by you, it is no easy feat. Any modern parent has a lot of tasks to do in their everyday life. So, how does one keep the baby close & indulge in he convenience of hands-free parenting? Babywearing seems to be the answer.

Babywearing With Soul AnoonA Ergonomic Baby Carrier

What is Babywearing

To explain simply, babywearing is the act of wearing/carrying your baby with help of a well designed carrier. Besides, the practice of wearing babies is not entirely new. Nomadic tribes used it effectively to travel in search of food & dwellings. However, over the years, babywearing has gained immense popularity as it provides a comfortable way hold the baby while you keep up with your tasks- hands- free! Moreover, it can be easily practiced from infant to the toddler stage, mostly till the child is 4/5 years old. A wisely chosen ergonomic baby carrier helps keep your baby close while you get things done. Hence, after much research, I opted for Soul baby carrier & we shall talk about it in a bit.

My Experience With Soul Baby Carriers:

My research led me to Soul the brand that makes comfortable, ergonomic baby carriers. From it's wide range, I decided to try Soul AnoonA & Soul AseemA

Soul AnoonA, a fully adjustable carrier is available in cotton/linen options. A birth to toddler buckle carrier, it is suitable for babies till 2 years of age. I tried the 100% linen seafoam variant, suitable for all climates. I loved the easy base & height adjustments. Besides, the padded shoulder straps & waistband made it super easy to carry the baby around.

Soul AnoonA Ergonomic Baby Carrier

In addition, the attached pouch in the waistband is a great way to carry a few things while on the go. Soul AnoonA offers 5 different ways to carry your child: a newborn carry, front carry, forward facing out carry, back carry & hip carry. Additionally, the padding on top of the body panel, offers good neck support. The carrier is breastfeeding friendly too! 

Soul AseemA, the award-winning newborn to toddler full buckle carrier in 100% linen felt so cushy & comfortable. On reading more, I realized that the padding used is different as it offers greater support with bigger & heavier babies. My carrier in a beautiful Merlot color with a removable lumbar support was apt for people who suffer from weak backs. Oh, post pregnancy woes :-)

Exploring Outdoors With Soul AseemA Ergonomic Baby Carrier

The waistband is board, firm, curved & the fully customizable carrier with easy base and height adjustments offers a great fit at every stage for your little ones. Also, one just needs to cross the straps to reduce the length. The instruction booklet helps navigate through the various settings easily & helps one choose from very narrow for a newborn to a wider setting for a toddler. Soul AseemA offers front and back carrying positions & the removable hood can be used as per requirement.

Moreover, the removable pouch is great to carry important things like house keys, cell phone & more while outdoors.

Choose the one that suits your needs from the wide variety available at Soul. Since the most beautiful thing you shall ever wear is your baby, go on & try babywearing. Do note that there is no need to wash these carriers before use.

Let's Look at Some Benefits of Babywearing:

If you love to be a parent on the go, there are many benefits of babywearing for you & the baby. Let's look at a few:

Keeps Your Hands Free:

Pushing a stroller everywhere or carrying it around can be cumbersome. Babywearing helps keep your hands free for wrapping everyday tasks. Errands to run? Carrying your baby around safely in a baby carrier makes it easier for you. Furthermore, do read the instructions carefully & avoid chores like cooking or chopping while babywearing.

Soothing for the baby:

Studies show that babies who are worn by their parents often cry less. Babies feel soothed by the contact which in turn helps them stay happy.

Helps in nursing discreetly:

Nursing your baby while you are out of the house without anyone even noticing, is tricky. Babywearing helps your nurse your baby peacefully once you get a hang of it.

Great way to bond:

Babywearing helps keep your baby close while you talk and interact with them. Parents can enjoy a greater ability to hold & bond with the baby as they perform other tasks.

Dads & family members can bond too:

Baby carriers offer a great opportunity for dads & other family members to hold the baby close. Learning the art of babywearing can become a fun family activity too!

Since the most beautiful thing you shall ever wear is your baby, go on & try babywearing. We look forward to hearing about your babywearing stories in our comments section.
