Tomatoes- Benefits For Skin, Face & How To Use For Glowing Complexion

Tomatoes are full of nutritional benefits as they are a great source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants & dietary fiber. Moreover, they help prevent eye diseases, clotting of blood, strengthen immune system & promotes weight loss. Did you know that there are many benefits of tomatoes including improving skin tone. In addition, they also help in skin whitening & to achieve a glowing complexion. Let's look at benefits of using tomatoes for our skin, face & for that healthy glow.

Tomato For Glowing Complexion

Rubbing a tomato on face has many benefits. The astringent properties present help remove excess oil produced. Also, when applied on face, tomato helps clear blemishes, resulting in a glowing complexion. If you want to know how to use tomato on face for glowing skin, it's fairly easy. For maximum benefits cut a juicy tomato in half & rub on face evenly. In addition, fresh tomato juice is effective too. However, people with dry skin should add a bit of honey to the juice. But be careful about of applying tomato juice on face overnight, as it may cause sensitivity.

Tomato For Skin Whitening

Tomatoes help lighten skin tone as they are natural bleaching agents. Moreover, the Vitamin C present also helps in maintaining healthy facial skin. Applying a face pack of tomato juice & organic honey helps in skin whitening. It also helps keeps skin soft & supple. Wash off the face pack after 15 minutes with lukewarm water. Additionally, apply a toner like organic rose water

Tomato For Acne

Applying tomato juice, helps in treating acne. Acne, is a broader term, used to describe break outs that are more persistent & caused due to blockage of follicles. The astringent nature of tomatoes help cure acne when applied externally on the affected area. Also, the Salicylic acid present helps in acne treatment. Make a paste by mixing equal parts cucumber juice & tomato juice. And apply the paste on affected area. Keep for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with water. Repeat this everyday till you see results.

Tomato For Blemish Free Skin

To enjoy blemish free skin, make a simple face pack of tomato paste, oatmeal & little yogurt. Apply all over face & neck area. Later, wash off with lukewarm water & pat dry. The lycopene present, helps get rid of blemishes naturally. Additionally, the antioxidants present keep the skin youthful.

Tomato For Enlarged Pores

Enlarged pores are a root cause of many skin problems. For instance, they attract excess dirt & pollutants to settle in & clog the pores. The astringent nature of tomatoes, help in shrinking enlarged pores. Mix a little lemon juice to tomato paste & apply all over face with cotton. Keep for 15 minutes & than wash off. Follow with a toner.

Tomato To Get Rid Of Sun Tan

Prolonged exposure to sun, causes sun tan & sun burn. Tomatoes can come to your rescue during such a condition. Make a thick paste with a little gram flour, tomato paste & yogurt. Apply all over your body & keep for 15-20 minutes. Scrub off gently with circular movements. Wash off in shower. In addition, apply a soothing moisturizer.

Tomato As Skin Exfoliator

To slough off dead skin cells, use tomatoes. They make excellent natural skin exfoliating agents & can be used as an effective body scrub. Make a coarse tomato paste & add brown sugar. Mix well & apply all over body with circular movements. Wash off in shower. Apply your favorite moisturizer.
