Hair Care: Simple Things Which You Can Do/ Avoid For Exceptionally Healthy Hair

Who doesn’t like good “hair days”? Most of you will agree that on days when hair behave themselves, a part of the day (if not full) feels good. It is as though life’s challenges can be accommodated with more potions of salt. The general self vibes are positive. That also explains why women love going to salons & getting their hair done. Just like how the emotion of LOVE cannot be entirely expressed in words, the feeling of having your hair set & in place, is priceless.

Having said that “hair care” involves taking care of them just like one would take care of the body. Thankfully hair don’t need work outs but only some maintenance. Low maintenance or High – that you decide, but here a few things which you can do and avoid to keep your crowning glory shining :)

1. Did you know that over usage of heating tools causes hair damage? 

No doubt procedures like blow drying, straightening & curling lend the perfect runway look. They make you feel like a million bucks. But the fact remains that they come at the cost of the hair’s health. In the long run, they ultimately lead to breakage, damage & drying. Of course, avoiding them completely is not possible but exercising restrain might help. Moreover you could be a little mindful of pointers like -

  • Always using a heat protection spray before setting your hair with hot tools
  • Control of the temperature settings (which means that you do not set your device at highest/ very high temperature)
  • Try to figure out some key tricks where exposure to styling tools is minimum - like straighten only the bangs (because eventually they get cut/ trimmed out)
  • Wearing new hair styles on a daily basis which do not require heat styling.

2. Dry Shampoo v/s Good Old Regular Shampoo

Usage of dry shampoos is excellent in case of emergencies or situations like when you are travelling and are on the move. However, they are not here to replace the good old shampoo. While regular shampoos clear the dirt & oil build up on the scalp when you rinse off everything in water, dry shampoos clog the hair follicles & absorb the natural oils.

Unlike regular shampoos, dry Shampoos are only a temporary solution. They do not cleanse like water.

3. Do not fear Regular Trimming

A regular trim has its share of advantages, even if you are on a mission to grow your hair long. Trimming helps you get rid of rough edges & split ends. Hair look way healthier the minute those pokey, dead edges get out the way.

4. Using the appropriate Shampoo & Conditioner

Sometimes we end up using products not suited to our skin & hair type. Hence choose an appropriate shampoo & conditioner wisely – based on your needs and hair type.
If a product is not working for you the way it used to in the past, then change the product and see if you notice any improved results

5. TLC (Tender Love & Care) for Hair

Show some love to your hair by indulging in regular oil & scalp massages, hair masks & spas. Try making some organic choices if possible, in terms of products and general care. Click here for some super nutritive home made hair mask recipes.

6. Cut on Colour

Yes, tough as it may sound, hair colouring is known to have side effects. Google lists many side effects of hair colouring.

Some people do use henna instead. But since most people cringe at the thought of applying henna, trouble is that we don’t know what option 2 :)
Incase applying Henna is on your mind, click on the link here to read about its benefits.

7. Comb Gently

Just because hair don’t have sensations doesn’t mean you get rough with them. Comb them gently when you do. Use the right combs and brushes which do not cause breakage or damage.

8. Eat Right

Last but not the least - the most repeated point in every wellness blog. Eat healthy, eat right. You know the importance of balanced diet. We need not elaborate :)

All of the above are easy to follow tips and methods without breaking the bank. We hope these help.
