Skin Icing- The Best Cold Therapy for Skin, Method & Benefits

Skin icing in simple words implies rubbing ice on the skin. It is simple, basic and comes with its vast share of skin benefits. It is an integral part of the Korean skin care regime and needless to say is the easiest / quickest thing to do. Above all, it comes for FREE. A lot of beauty magazines also talk about the benefits of rubbing an ice cube on face at night.

Since every skin type is different, the way ice reacts with it also varies from person to person. Hence like any other product, test the technique first. Try it on a part of your face like lips as there are benefits of rubbing ice on lips too. Besides, some also say there are disadvantages of rubbing ice cube on face.

Likewise, indulge in cold therapy for skin, rub a cube of ice on your face and see how it goes. For some people, it could work well in the mornings and for some in the evenings. So determine how & when it works the best for you.

Here are a few benefits of skin icing the face.

1. Improves Blood Circulation

The minute one massages an ice cube on the face and the neck area, the blood circulation increases. This makes the face look & feel very fresh. So if your skin is looking dull and needs a pep up, gently massage an ice cube on the face. It not only feels heavenly but is extremely rejuvenating too.

2. Tightens Pores

Sometimes pores begin to look large on the face as we grow older; especially in the area around the cheeks. While there are pore tightening creams, serums & primers available, one super instant remedy is skin icing. You will notice that once you apply some ice, the pores immediately shrink and the skin feels much tighter.

You can do this before or after applying moisturizer depending on what works for you.

3. Calms Burning Eyes / Treats Puffy Eyes

If your eyes are burning or simply feel tired, close them and apply a cube of ice on the eyelids and all around the eye area. It almost instantly cools the eyes down and makes them feel fresher. It is also one way of feeling more awake, in case you are sleepy and need to head out :)

Similarly if your eyes have gone puffy, applying some ice around will help reduce the puffiness/ swelling.

4. Works well in Make Up

Rub some ice on the face before applying foundation. Makeup just ends up looking much better when applied after skin icing. It lends much needed freshness to the face and helps in better absorption of products.

5. Gives Relief from Skin Burns

Any redness or inflammation caused by skin burns can be eased out with a few cubes of ice. Although it takes a few days for effects to show, regular skin icing will help the scars in gradually fading away.

6. Anti ageing tool

The effects are completely long term but applying ice cubes on the face helps in controlling the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

7. Ice Water Therapy

This method is very refreshing after a tiring, hard day. Simply add 5-6 ice cubes of ice in a large bowl of water. Take a deep breath & dunk your face into the bowl. Keep your face immersed for 2-3 seconds and pop out. 

Repeat the process a few times and as a result, check effects of skin icing before and after application to work out the best suitable method for you!

Apart from regular cubes made of water, one can also make ice cubes with aloe vera & rose water. In addition, there are benefits of rubbing milk ice cubes on face too. This would also add the nutritive properties while the chill from the cubes perform their magic on the skin.

Just ensure that you massage the ice cubes on the face as gently as possible especially around the eye area. The main objective of using ice cubes is to calm the face down & freshen it up hence the application should be as loving as possible :)


  1. Very well written article on is of ice cubes.keep posting such articles.

  2. Ye to bahut accha hai per maine kahin pada tha ki ice ko direct skin per nahi lagana chaiye
    Plz bataiye ki sahi kya hai

    1. Try a small test Anita by applying one ice cube. If it does not cause any is suitable to Ur skin


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