Helping Your Service Providers Go Cashless With Serv'd.

In my busy lifestyle that revolves around a massive “to do” list that seems never ending, the importance of my maid Rekha is manifold. Rekha has been with me for about 4 months now and she helps me with daily chores. I have come to know many things about her as we interact on a daily basis, primarily her perennial money shortage that she bears with a positive outlook. I pride myself on being regular about my daily service providers remuneration but the recent Demonetization move caught me unawares. The salary day approached at a lightning speed but the lengthy ATM queues broke my will to stand for over 2 hours to get cash. Transferring money via any online wallets was a challenge as Rekha did not own a smart phone or enough knowledge about using one. To manage without Rekha, my daily service provider was unthinkable. Unable to bear the thought of delaying her salary, I started looking for avenues to go Cashless. Read more to know how I solved my predicament.

I chanced upon a new app-Serv’d on internet & wanted to know more about it instantly. The app promises to simplify the management of household help like maid, nanny, driver, gardener & I decided to give it a try. What attracted me to try Serv’d was the feature that enabled my service provider to go cashless via online payment. Rekha had already informed me about her inability to go & deposit cheques due to her long working hours.

I downloaded the app on my android phone ( there is an ios version too) & started the process. I entered my mobile number & received an OTP to proceed. After entering the correct OTP, I made my one time profile. Once my profile was created, I started entering my maid’s details- her mobile number, full name & her job role & selected the “Create Contract”option.

Enter service providers basic information

This lead me to a page to enter her specific skill set, no of people in my family, my apartment type, her monthly service fee & paid leaves, bonuses that were important inputs for our contract.

Select skill set of the service provider

After a quick review my contract was ready!!

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Add additional details & review contract
The app prompted me to put some more details of the service provider like her Aadhar card details but Rekha did not posses one!!! I explained the importance of applying for an Aadhar card as it would help her in receiving timely payments via the app & Rekha quickly agreed. On boarding her on the app was like an incentive to get her Aadhar card made. Serv'd allows you to make a contract without a Aadhar card and gives you a month's time to update the details. I smiled. One more good deed done in a single day :) 

The overall easy navigation of the app was a pleasant experience...I was relieved that going cashless can be such a pain free experience. By sending a quick confirmation sms in Hindi, Rekha activated the contract & we were ready to go cashless!!! The company also ensures to call all on boarded service providers to verify the contract details & help them understand the procedure to link their bank accounts to receive payments.

I can’t wait for the salary day to arrive now!! No more ATM queues. No more cheques. No more hassles. A click on Serv’d app shall ensure that my service provider receives timely payments that hold supreme importance in her life. Moreover, making payments via Serv’d shall ensure that my maid builds a payment history that shall enable her to apply for loans with credible institutions instead of borrowing from loan sharks. She can also avail of insurance for her family- an imperative in recent times. Using Serv’d helped me take the first step towards a cashless economy. You can know more about the app here
