Things Parents Need To Carry While Travelling With Infants And Toddlers

Travelling with kids is as good as a temporary shift of residence. One has to stock up almost a mini bathroom, a mini kitchen, a mini bedroom and a mini play room -  all in a few suitcases when headed out of home.

Travelling with kids can be a challenge for the parents so the idea is to make your journey as easy as possible. Of course depending on the age of the child, the packing list would differ.
However stacking some of these items listed below will definitely make situations easy to deal with.

1. Wet Wipes/ Tissues & Sanitizers

Keeping wet wipes handy is a must. A wipe is your weapon to clear and combat any mess your child creates. Children being children will indulge in mischief and do things like play with food and touch items that they are not supposed to. Wet wipes will help you in these unclean situations.

Sanitisers do the same. Keep a bottle or two handy with you, especially when hand wash options are not anywhere close by.

2. Spare Set of Clothes

You need a spare set of clothes in times when your child spills something on him/ herself.

3. Food Items & Water

One needs to pack food not only on basis of eating habits of the child but also depending on duration & mode of the journey. If you are embarking on long haul flights then stocking items which your child is used to snacking on, will be a good idea.

Carrying some home cooked food is also an option.

Carry something sweet if your child gets nauseous in flights or while ascending a hill in a car. Kids feel very uncomfortable and get cranky. Some sweets will help in soothing.

4. Diapers

If your child is not toilet trained yet, then a pack of diapers is a must.

5. Some toys

Kids tend to get bored rather quickly and have to be kept engaged all the while. Travelling gets boring for adults too at times so it is only natural for kids to feel disinterested in no time. Carry some small toys which do not take too much luggage space ... toys which will keep them happy, occupied and YOU - at peace.

6. Medicines incase of Emergencies / Creams

Most parents will agree that they encounter the most unexpected situations with kids. It is extremely  challenging to look after a child who gets unwell outside the comfort zone of his / her home. At such times pharmacies may or may not be in close proximity. Hence do carry at least basic medicines you give for fever, common cold and allergies (apart from any other medicine your child is already on).

Items like diaper rash creams, necessary ointments can also be packed, should you think you may need them anytime during the journey.

7. Clothes to keep them warm

Always wise to either make them wear or carry jackets incase temperatures dip while travelling.

8. Trash Bags

Aircrafts generally have air sickness bags tucked behind tray tables. If you are on a road or a train trip, keep some trash bags on you incase your kid wants to throw up.

Let us know if there's anything else useful you carry on your trips.

Take care and have a pleasant journey :)

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