5 Simple Ideas For A Memorable Baby Shower

Not just the mommy & daddy to be, but the entire family and set of close friends wait excitedly for the arrival of the little one, when the lady (mother) goes into her family way.

Baby shower - a very loving way to celebrate expected  birth of a child is probably one of the cutest events one can be a part of. Every culture celebrates it differently. But the unifying thought among all them is the same - to bless the mother with abundant joys of motherhood and of course shower her with some gifts :)

So incase you plan on having a baby shower for yourself / friend/ sibling or relative, here are some ideas to make the celebration the memorable and of course the cutest event ever.

1. Fix on a  creative theme

Thematise the function. Everyone gets excited when there's a common subject matter which they can be a part of. There are so many things one can do - like select one colour which everyone can come dressed in or choose your favourite animation characters, which can then form basis for the decoration and meals.
If you live in a country where you are legally allowed to know the gender of the baby, then opting for girl / boy based themes are also fun.

2. Use Interesting Decoration Designs

If you have a theme in place, then the decoration can be done with that in mind. Else there are umpteen  number of delightful decorations which can adorn the venue. Indulge in some colourful wall hangings, customised banners, signs, balloons etc. Hand out customised cards to guests with quirky lines or messages penned on them. A colourful and a vibrant decor looks so much fun and  sets a very positive vibe for the event.

3. Sweets and Treats

Cakes have the tendency of becoming centres of attraction at any party. Most guests cannot wait to have a slice. There are numerous cake designs out there to choose from, just choose a cake best suited to the colours of your party.

Cup cakes are equally lovable treats. Lay them stylishly next to the cake and watch them finish in minutes.

4. Plan fun Baby Shower Games

Bingo, find baby words, simple baby item treasure hunts, nursery rhyme trivia are a few simple games to organise. You can also distribute some colourful printable cards for guests to write messages for the parents and the expected baby.

5. Shower the mommy with gifts

Inundate the mom with lots of sweets and presents. She is probably giving up on many things already during her pregnancy so make her feel good with some goodies in her gift basket.

So here is some basic stuff you can do.

If you have any more ideas, do share them with us in the comments section below.

Have fun :)

Follow me on
Twitter: @dipika_kanungo
Instagram: @dipikakanungo


  1. If you do it the right way, there are few pleasures on earth better than a hot shower in a glass-encased shower stall. Of course, there's one thing that really is better than that - a hot shower in a shower stall encased in glass that you put there yourself.

  2. Truly, these are just heart throbbing ideas for mesmerizing baby shower. That backdrop idea is my favorite among all and I will definitely use this for decoration of my sister’s baby shower that I will be hosting very soon at vintage themed San Francisco venues.


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