5 little ways to Reinvent yourself

There's an immediate call for 'REINVENTION', when the monotony of everyday life begins to takes over. That's when we take some help from makeovers. Not always drastic makeovers but small changes here and there are cool enough

1. Its only fair that you do something about your hair

Yes changing your hairstyle can be a game changer of sorts.
Raise your hand if you have felt better after a trim. Raise your hand if you have felt like the world is a better place after a lovely haircut or a round of colouring. And also raise your hand if you feel good after just a basic home - done blow dry or straightening. Tell us how many of you agree that each time you have trimmed/ chopped/ styled your tresses, you've felt good !!! The way we wear our hair, reflects our mood, so wear them the way you like and see your spirits spike :)

2. Have fun with your wardrobe

There's nothing more soul satisfying than retail therapy but if budgets are tight, just get a little creative and wear old things a little differently by mixing and matching outfits with accessories to create a range of looks. So pull out your mom's dupatta and wear it as a scarf, wear a belt differently ... check online for how "differently" can you style for example, a simple pink top in different ways and you will be surprised at how many looks you can possibly create with just some creativity.

3. Working towards fitness

The form of workout you pick is entirely your choice (yoga, aerobics, gym, zumba etc etc), but there's no denying that exercise always helps in achieving positive results for the body. It is obviously not as quick as hair makeover or shopping but the process has very positive and long lasting results on the human body. Workout feels good eventually

4. Grooming

When time ain't your friend just simple pop of colours on your hand and toe nails are good enough. Unlike times earlier when conventional pinks, browns and reds made popular choices of nail colours, the shade card of nail lacquers has widened enormously and designs in form of nail art are the new nail mantra. So go for some stylish colors, or just head for a manicure/ pedicure and we bet you will be a happy soul

5. Say Hello to colors with some make - up

We don't say doll up everyday but even a tiny dash of colour from those eye shadow palettes, lipsticks or blushes on your face can perk you up.

Those of you who have read self improvement books will say in unison that when one changes from within, the world around begins to change positively too. But but what they don't say is that sometimes changes in personal style, wardrobe, grooming etc etc go a long way too in bringing our spirits high. A good hair - do, a pretty dress, some lip gloss will never let your mood down. So love yourself and the world will love you back :)

So tell us what do you think in the comments section below.

Follow me on twitter on @dipika_kanungo
