How I Danced & Chased Rainbows to Find my World.

“Log Kya Kahenge?!!” whispered my bewildered aunt to my mother as my father put down his newspaper to stare at me. I had answered the dreaded question asked to every teenager “What do you want to become when you grow up?” with the unthinkable. I had defied every rule of my middle class existence by chiming “A world-renowned Salsa performer”. My parents brushed it off thinking that better sense will prevail as I grew up. 

I was in the ninth grade and like any teenager attending several tuitions to prepare for my entry into a good college. As days passed, my resolve strengthened and I wanted to dance to the rhythm of my heart. I convinced my parents to allow me thirty minutes of Salsa practice with my dance teacher at school every day on one condition- my grades would not suffer.  I excelled my tenth grades and on my parents advice chose a prestigious college to successfully finish my postgraduate studies. Somewhere, amidst power point presentations and excel sheets, Salsa took a backseat and the practice sessions became irregular.


To my delight, I secured a job at an Events Management company with a hefty pay packet. It meant working long hours but the exhilaration of witnessing renowned artists from the backstage. I bought a car, dined at restaurants, grooved at parties and chased the corporate dream. More than once, looking at the stage prepped up for an upcoming event, I remembered my lost world- one full of rhythm and dance.

One afternoon, I walked up to the empty stage and was busy doing a few last minute checks, when suddenly my bored colleague started playing Salsa music on his phone. Slowly, I started moving to the rhythm locked away deep in my heart. With grace I twirled on my high-heeled feet and with each move, pushed myself to give my best.  When, I stopped a small audience comprising of my surprised colleagues, people working backstage and to my horror- my boss applauded and cheered.

Although, today after my 100th performance, I look back at the amazing journey of self-discovery. But it started with a little encouragement. It feels like a dream come true. I work flexi timings that allow me to pursue my passion and travel all over the world to perform. After some coaxing, my parents too have started attending my performances. Additionally, they proudly show my performance videos to appreciative relatives. I will never forget the day when I finally let go of my fears, embraced the unknown and rediscovered myself. And with dance. Unknowingly, little by little, I surprised myself everyday with a new discovery and a new move, I learned.

I chased rainbows, fell down with exhaustion on my blistered feet but never failed to get up. What’s your story?

This post is written in association with 

Watch the amazing video "Find Your World" 


  1. Superb journey.. reminds me with 3 idiots madhavan story.. chasing dream n passion require good deal of self belief n willingness.. ur story is

    truly fascinating n inspiring.. thnx for sharing..

  2. Thnx a ton Manoj! Pls do keep encouraging me :)


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